Pleasant Hill Environmental Services

Pleasant Hill Environmental Services
Aurora Environmental Services is an environmental consultant specializing in providing environmental health and safety and environmental compliance services in Pleasant Hill, California.
Aurora Environmental Services has been providing specialized environmental consulting services throughout the Bay Area for close to a decade. Aurora offers hazardous materials testing and management; industrial hygiene assessment, indoor air quality testing, OSHA health and safety training; Phase I/II environmental site assessment; soil, soil vapor and groundwater testing, AHERA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act Plans and Updates, Asbestos/Lead/Mold investigation, report writing, and coordination with regulators.
Our team of licensed Professional Geologists and Engineers, Certified Safety Professionals, Certified Industrial Hygienists, Certified Asbestos Consultants, Certified Lead Inspectors, provides a wide range of specialized environmental compliance services.
Finally, our team of experienced project managers has resulted in zero contractor change orders, zero on-the-job injuries, and zero professional errors and omissions insurance claims.
Environmental Services
- Industrial Hygiene
- Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Tesitng
- Asbestos, Lead, Mold Investigation
- Virus / Bacteria Testing
- Soil / Soil Vapor / Groundwater Testing
- Illness and Injury Prevention Plan
- Chemical Removal (Lab Pak)
- Health and Safety Plan (HASP)
- OSHA Health and Safety Training
- Health and Safety for Schools
- Abatement Monitoring / Air Testing Clearance
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
- Phase I / II Environmental Site Assessment
- Hazardous Waste Tracking and Reporting
- RCRA and Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste Management (Sampling, Characterization, Manifesting, and Disposal)
- OSHA 40-Hour Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Training and 8-hour Refresher Training
- Science Laboratory Chemical Hygiene Plan
- Coordination with Regulatory Agencies
- Report Writing